Small chest is not wrong, but the chest is not the time to choose the underwear is not very good, small chest sister in the selection of underwear must be carefully considered Oh, not only the style, as well as materials, in short, choose their own Will make your fall more comfortable. So Xiaobian recommended to everyone today is suitable for wearing a small breasts underwear, a small sister looked over the chest, so wear it will appear big chest Oh.


Small breasts sister in the choice of underwear can try to choose a lot of underwear with decoration, it will look very delicate, but also make the chest look more sexy and more. This black lace trim underwear is very suitable for small sister, good ability to gather Oh, you can make a second big breasts.

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Of course, not only big breasts will be sexy, chest feeling will be very sexy. Such a black underwear using chiffon design, cross chiffon is very unique, although the vest style can not see the chest, but there are also different sexy.

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